From the total income of Nova academy, we have raised 25% for Transgender's Educational welfare in India. And our 50% of course fees have been reduced for native tribal people located in Nilgiris

Evaluation Faculty

Deputy Registrar (Founder Chairman)
Nova Academy of Rural Education & Research
Nova Institutes of Engineering 

Dr. Jayan. C.
MA (Psy), MA (Forensic), MA (Public Admin), M-Phil (Sex Edu), Ph.D (Psy)
PGDCP (Child.Psy)

Registrar ( NIER)

Dr. Hari Shankar. P.
M-Tech,M-Phil, Ph.D

Registrar ( NOVA)

Dr. Sampraksh. TK.
MSc , M-Phil, Ph.D

Controller of Examination (NOVA)

Dr. Marry Shanker
MA, Ph.D

Controller of Examination (NIER)

Dr. Swathi Pandi.
M-Tech, Ph.D

Deputy Director (NOVA, NIER)

Mr. Durai Raj. K.D.

Director (NIER Administration)

Mr. Arun. A,
MBA (Marketing)

Director (NOVA administration)

Mr. Mahesh Jayan.

HOD (Arts & Science)
Dr. Lincy Mohan. M-Tech, PGDCA, Ph.D
Dr. Suresh Kumar. MA M.Ed, Ph.D

HOD (Engineering & Technology)
Dr. Poul Darman. ME, Ph.D
Dr. Haridas. ME, PGDCA, Ph.D

Section in Charge (NIER)
Mr. Arun. PV
Mr. Haridas Menon.

Section in Charge (NOVA)
Mrs. Suresh. V.
Mr. Arun. PV.

Chef Accountant
Mr. Sudheesh kumar. M.Com.

Senor Programme Officer (NOVA)
Mrs. Jiji Raj. MA. PGDCA.

Senor Programme Officer (NIER)
Mr. Ajith Kumar. M-Tech.

Senor Programme Officer (NIER)
Mr. Sujith Kumar. ME.

Public Relation Officer
Mr. Aswin Maani. MSW

Departments : NIER

Dr. J.C. Poul, MCA, M-Phil, Ph.D
Professor, Department of Science & Technology

Professor, Department of Science & Technology

Dr. Shahulhameed. M-Tech, M-Phil
Professor, Department of Engineering & Technology

Dr. Syama Prakash M-Tech, M.Phil, Ph.D
Professor, Department of Engineering & Technology

Dr. JAYARANI. P.K. M-Tech, Ph.D
Professor, Department of Engineering & Technology

Departments : NOVA ACADEMY

Dr. Lilly Jhon. Ph.D
Professor, Department of Business Studies

Dr. Esthar antony, MA, Ph.D
Professor, Department of  Fine- Arts

Dr. Venugopal MA, M-Phil, Ph.D
Professor, Department of Language Studies

Mr. Harikumar. MA, M.PEd,
Professor, Department of Physical Education

Dr..Annvar Muhamed MBA, Ph.D
Professor, Department of Management Studies

Dr.Santhoshkumar MA, M-Ed, M-Phil, Ph.D
Professor, Department of Education

Dr. Thangadurai.K.T MSc,M-Phil, Ph.D
Professor, Department of Para-Medical Science

Dr. A.F.Shake Subani MCA, MBA, PGDCA,Ph.D
Professor, Department of Computer Science

Dr.Kumar Singh P.R. MLIS, Ph.D
Professor, Department of Library Information & Science

Mr.Sivakumar.P. MSc,M.Ed
Asst. Professor, Department of Mathematics

Mr.Satheesh MSc, M.Phil
Asst. Professor, Department of Psychology & Life Science

Mr.Jayaram.P. MA, M.Phil
Asst.Professor, Department of History & Heritage

Lecturers: NOVA

Mr. Meenarani MA, M.Phil
Mr. Vinod.K. MBA, M-Phil
Mr. A.F.Shake Subani MCA, MBA, PGDCA
Mr. Vineeth Menon.  MA, B.Ed
Mr. Lal.K.c. Mcom, MBA
Mr. Bineesh MCA, M-Phil
Mr. Sivakumar.P. MSc,B.Ed
Mr. Umapathy.  MSc, M.Phil
Mr. Jayaram.p. MA, M.Phil
Mr. Vinod.K. MBA, M-Phil
Mr. Kumar Singh P.R. M.lis, M.Phil
Ms. Sagayamery M.Com, MBA
Mr. Satheesh. MA, B-Ed, M-Phil
Mr. Haary Willyams. P.  M.Com

Lecturers: NIER

Mr. Sasidharan M-Tech,
Mr. Sugamoy, M-Tech,
Mrs. PRIYA. B.K. M-Tech. PGDCA
Mr. Krishnakumar M-Tech
Mr. Annvar Muhamed MCA,MBA