From the total income of Nova academy, we have raised 25% for Transgender's Educational welfare in India. And our 50% of course fees have been reduced for native tribal people located in Nilgiris



E-Education is the use of electronic media, educational technology and information and communication technologies (ICT) in education. E-Education includes numerous types of media that deliver text, audio, images, animation and streaming video and includes technology applications and processes such as audio or video tape, satellite TV, CD-ROM, and computer-based learning, as well as local intranet/extranet and web-based learning. Information and communication systems, whether free-standing or based on either local networks or the Internet in networked learning, under lay many e-learning processes.


The students will be provided username and password through which they can access their customized course material. They are free to learn on their own which enables self-paced learning.


E-Mail enables the individual learners to communicate with each other and doubts will be cleared through mail.


E-meetings that take place in real-time are known as chats and those that take place independent of time are called discussion forums or conferences. Both of these types of meetings make it possible to carry on facilitated explorations of learning topics. These electronic meetings can be supplemented with other tools such as electronic whiteboards, slide shows, video and audio clips, and so forth. E-expeditions take participants on adventures into cyberspace or local space to more deeply explore specific topics. These journeys can include virtual visits to information rich Web sites or face-to-face visits to companies, laboratories, or other environments that best illustrate a particular learning subject. As with e-meetings, the participants can get together in real-time chats, telephone, or video teleconferences, and time-independent, text-based discussion forums” but all accessed from a central Web site or “portal” created especially for the expedition.


E-Learning is what happens when participants learn together in an environment that is enriched by technology. E-learning usually involves interaction between learners and materials, between learners and an instructor, and among the learners themselves. In depth exchanges of information facilitated by email, “chat” and “discussion” software are commonly used to create the e-learning environment. In e-learning, learners are often responsible themselves for the nature, direction, and timing of the learning so that they are able to integrate personal, work team, and organizational needs into a comprehensive learning program.

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