From the total income of Nova academy, we have raised 25% for Transgender's Educational welfare in India. And our 50% of course fees have been reduced for native tribal people located in Nilgiris



Highlighting the importance of Autonomous Institutions, the UGC document on the XI Plan profile of higher education in India clearly states that: “The only safe and better way to improve the quality of undergraduate education is to the link most of the Institutions from the affiliating structure. Institutions with academic and operative freedom are doing better and have more credibility.

The financial support to such Institutions boosts the concept of autonomy.” Need for Autonomy Institutions that have the potential for offering programmes of a higher standard do not have the freedom to offer them. The 1964- 66 Education Commission pointed out that the exercise of academic freedom by teachers is a crucial requirement for development of the intellectual climate of our country. Unless such a climate prevails, it is difficult to achieve excellence in our higher education system. With students, teachers and management being co-partners in raising the quality of higher education, it is imperative that they share a major responsibility. Hence, the Education Commission ( 1964-66) r e c o m m e n d e d autonomy, which, in essence, is the instrument for promoting academic excellence.

 Objectives The National Policy on Education (1986-92) formulated the following objectives for autonomous institution. An autonomous institution will have the freedom to: o Determine and prescribe its own courses of study and syllabi, and restructure and redesign the courses to suit local needs; and o Prescribe rules for admission in consonance with the reservation policy of the state government;   Evolve methods of assessment of students performance, the conduct of examinations and notification of results; o Use modern tools of educational technology to achieve higher standards and greater creativity; and o Promote h ea l t h y practices such as community service , extension n activities, projects for the benefit of the society at large, neighborhood programmes, etc

 Features of an autonomous institution An autonomous institution is free to start diploma (undergraduate and postgraduate) or certificate courses without the prior approval of the university. Diplomas and certificates shall be issued under the seal of the institution an autonomous institution is free to start a new degree or postgraduate course with the approval of the Academic Council of the Institution.

 An autonomous Institution may rename the existing course after restructuring/redesigning it with the approval of the Academic Council. Examination System in Autonomous Institutions Students’ performance is examined internally and externally. Continuous assessment and range of assessment options. To ensure fairness and justice to students, various alternatives are adopted in the examination system. Role of Office of Controller of Examinations the Exam Committee is responsible for the smooth conduct of the Semester examinations, submission of assignments, and additional examinations.           All matters involving the conduct of Examinations, spot valuations, tabulations, preparation of Grade Cards etc. fall within the duties of the Office of the Controller of Examinations. Declaration of results.

 The grades that are tabulated by the Controller of Examination is reviewed by the Moderation Committee. Any deviation and discrepancies are deliberated and removed. The entire result is discussed in the Academic Evaluation Committee (AEC) for its approval. The result is declared in the website Statutory Committees Non-statutory committees

 1) Board of Governors (BOG)

 2) Departmental Academic Committee

 3) Academic Council , Grievance Redressed Committee

 4) Finance Committee

 5) Research and Development Committee

 6) Board of Studies

 7) Administrative Quality Circle

 8) Controller of Examinations

 9) Planning & Evaluation Committee

 10) Academic Audit Committee>

 Eligibility of Autonomous Institutions to offer Short Term Courses The autonomous institution can offer special need based short term courses under the departments of the institution for the benefit of the students and outsiders can also enrol for them. Checking the Standard of Autonomous Institutions There has to be a built in mechanism in the autonomous institution working for this purpose.                An Internal Committee called Academic Evaluation Committee (AEC) is a NonStatutory body, will keep a watch on the academics and keep its reports and recommendations every year. Benefit to the Students and Teachers of Autonomous Institutions An autonomous institution carries a prestigious image for the students and the teachers. Autonomy reflects efforts for excellence in academic performances, capability of self- governance and enhancement in the quality of education.

 NOVA Academy of Rural Education & Research is registered by Government of Tamilnadu State under Trust Act and registered with the Planning Commission of India which is governed by the Prime Minister of India.

 NOVA Academy of Rural Education & Research is an autonomous council, which is established for development of education under the guidelines of National Education Policy 1986, Govt. of India and programme of action 1992, Govt. of India.

 Under Human Right Protection Act 1993 autonomous bodies have been given Special Consideration. (for further details refer air 1993 Sc 2178). NOVA Academy of Rural Education & Research is an Autonomous Council and all educational institutions are governed by the Rules framed by Government of India and each educational organization is having discretionary powers. According these powers every Institution/ Board / University / State Govts. / Central Government of India is having the liberty and right to take own decision either to allow or refuse any admission / service. But we give our best to promote the non-formal education programmes, which are autonomous education programmes of NOVA Academy of Rural Education & Research. The Legality, Validity and Utility of our education programmes is in strict conformity with the constitution of India and law of the land under Article 19(1)G, 29 & 30.

 According to the Ministry of Human Affairs. Govt. of India Notification No. 26/4/52 CC Dated. 20.09.1952 issued in consultation. with the union public service commission that in the case of Degree /Diploma awarded by Board/University in India which are incorporated by an act of central of Part B state legislature in India. No formal orders of recognition for such Degree/ Diploma needed to be issued by Government. Such Degree should be Recognized Automatically for the Purpose of employment.

 NOVA Academy of Rural Education & Research is an ISO Certified Academy which functions under strict quality standards.ISO International Standards ensure that our products and services are safe, reliable and of good quality. They are strategic tools that reduce costs by minimizing waste and errors and increasing productivity.

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